September 23, 2008


....and, I'm officially falling further and further behind!
My reading is piling up, my unfinished projects are getting left behind, my Christmas to do list is not getting done. There are too many knitting projects on the ol' Christmas list that this year Santa my officially be late!
There are no fall house decorations, except for one lonely fall wreath that adorns our front door. There are no cheerful pumpkins that line the front steps! This year will officially be chalked up as one of those hectic, let's forget year!
Number one son is still living at our house, with daughter-in-law and two grandbabies! It's so crazy here, that there is hardly time to breathe! Bills are piling up, laundry too! Both of which I'm confident will get done fairly soon! Or atleast, I'm thinking positive thoughts that the bills will get paid and that the laundry will get washed!
Brother-in-law just had quadruple by-pass surgery yesterday ...we are sending prayers and good wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery!
This so far has been a year for the record books and I can officially say that I'm getting close to my overload button!
There are now a few house guest to contend with ...well, atleast for dinners and such. There is no more room at this inn, so house guest are staying at a local hotel!
And more guests are on their way the first of October. They foolishly think they will be staying here ...not unless they want to sleep on an air mattress under the pool table! That's all I have to offer at this time! I'm hoping that they will opt for the local hotel ...or on second thought, perhaps I will opt for the local hotel!


  1. I vote for YOU going to the hotel. Order room service. Soak in the tub with a glass of three of wine. Bliss out. You've earned it.

  2. Try to enjoy all that this season has to offer, even though things are a bit off balance. At least living where you are now, nature will remind you it's fall - you don't even have to have the decorations (although they sure are fun!)

    Remind yourself that at this time next year you'll probably miss all the chaos! Ok, maybe not... But I can certainly relate!!!

  3. I agree with Annie, YOU go to the hotel. Wear a fluffy robe, eat chocolates, soak, read...and most of all....hang out that do not disturb sign. Even if it's only one night!

  4. I hope your life is getting back to normal! And I hope that you got some rest. Hopefully your brother-in-law is on the mend and you can get some of your projects done.

  5. Just take deep breaths :)

  6. Hi there sweetie.
    I've missed blogland. I am finally back after some surgery. I am on two weeks of Fall Break. Yippee. I'm off to catch up on your blog now. Hope all is well. Come by for a visit soon!!

    Hugs and Blessings,


Thank you for stopping by and
having a cup of tea with me!